Friday, March 14, 2008


My dreams tend to be extremely detailed and completely peculiar. This one wasn't as detailed as others but weird nonetheless.

I was riding a bicycle or something of the sort along a dirt path. Toshio of The Grudge was all over the place. black and white, hunched over, sitting on his calves with his face buried in his knees so I couldn't see it. I thought of it as road kill ghost so I just kept riding. Then there was another one and another. I started getting freaked out and made a u-turn. I kind of got stuck on a hole for a sec, jumped back on and kept going. haha There were less Toshios on the way back. Same position but in different places. They moved! The dream ended in my backyard with lots of chickens jumping all over and a plate of fried chicken on the floor. I like the irony. hahhah

Toshio is so cute!

I came across this when I google images Toshio:

I didn't know whether to be disturbed or intrigued... so I was both. Artist: Toshio Saeki. His works depict sex, death and monsters. It's twisted but quite interesting. His artwork evokes thought because there is thought etched into it. I found this well-written article and it sheds light on any thoughts you may be having toward the above image.

When asked why he depicts such images, he responded with, "I've never really thought about it. I guess I'm just mischievous and like to surprise people..." There's more but that was the part that made it all make sense to me since I'm the same way. :]

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