Wednesday, April 23, 2008

oopsie dazee

I was leaving work later than usual today, but not before saying adios to my coworkers. So I'm saying bye, and start slo-mo slipping. I'm going to fall I'm not going to fall I'm going to fall I'm not going to fall. and I fall. flat on my ass on top of the "wet floor" sign. ohh irony. Luis tried to stop me but he slipped on the way to my rescue! (except he didn't fall) ergg.. right after I put on my white hoodie too. At least I fell on my butt! not my knees like last time. or the time I slammed my temporal bone into the marble counter that left me with a fat bump. jeez. The dangers of the sushi bar. My neck is sore.


I should make these pillows into absorptive slippers!

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