Wednesday, October 8, 2008


From LA to the bay! haha lameO rhymeO. Sprinkles is a cupcake shop that just opened in Palo Alto with fucking fantasmic flavors I fucking love it! Amy's so sweet and has a sweet tooth to boot so she swooped me up from my fourth session with Orly and brought me a vanilla cupcake. yumMmm! The strawberry tastes like fresh strawberries and this dark chocolate one was filled with marshmallow. mMMmmMmmmmmm

On our weekend road trip a few weeks ago, I went to Picca's prom-themed birthday party with 9 of my friends.. (that's how I roll) hahaha :P Anyway I thought it would be nice to get her a gift... She doesn't really have a set style as far as clothing and I don't want it to be hit or miss with what I choose. or for it to end up on her ebay store. (ha ha) Sprinkles is out because they have it there. Then I thought Beard Papa's oversized cream puffs would be perfect but turns out they have one like 15 minutes away which is even closer than their Sprinkles. :T

It should be no biggie because it doesn't mean it's not a good gift, but I like to get people things they can fall all over themselves for. that they would have never thought of wanting but then can't live without now. soo back to the drawing board.

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