Sunday, January 11, 2009


I found this in my garage:
Is it alive? ... ... .. .. .. ... Nope. Squashed!
Cause of death: Stiletto?? I haven't worn any since new years eve and someone would have noticed it dead since, I'm sure. Strange. That's the first time I've seen a... gecko? lizard? iguana? salamander? around here. < I was really making that face just now. haha

I kind of inched towards it.. slowly... Then when I determined it was dead I proceeded to take pictures. I have a vast curiosity and I can be quite morbid. A curiosity of morbidity? plus I used to watch discovery channel and animal planet a lot.

damn! The old bug and insect making oven toy had a creepy commercial!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

maki temaki

The owners at the sushi bar went to SF so they left pretty early. when the cat's away...! I wanted to try making temaki (hand rolls) since I haven't before. The spicy tuna was Lu's and I made the California hand roll:

and of course my favsss! It's topped with scallops and spicy mayo, baked. Then unagi sauce, masago and green onions. Juicy is a funny word for sushi but it is. It's warm and it melts and it's yumss!I don't eat anything raw besides spicy tuna. Yeah. I work at a sushi joint and nope, I don't eat sashimi. I went to Japan but it didn't change my mind. Japan's is better by lots but still can't get over that squishy squashy texture. bleck!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

disney! on ice

Dana and Tim called me on Saturday morning and invited me to Disney on Ice! I never miss out on an event with my Phoebabies. :] Pretty good pictures considering my camera doesn't have optical zoom. I love the colored lighting!

Tiny little tubster

Main characters fixing the zamboni (minus Pluto and Daisy)

You aint never hadda friend like me


Toy Story Green Team

Small world after all

still a small world at night

and in the day again

Moby the Pinochio eating whale

Mulan "Reflections"

I have a voice crush on the guy that sings one of the Mulan songs! hahaha

Finale to "Circle of Life"

The kiddies seem puzzled

Disney on Ice was pretty neatO. I have the Disneyland itch! Happiest place on earth!! It was agreed that the ice show could have been better (it's not the olympics) and unfortunately they can't include everything... Anywhoo It kept Phoenix and Phoebe entertained! and I liked it too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

stil et tos

Kimberly and I went shopping and only managed to hit two stores: H&M and LoveCulture. All I got from H&M were some red skivvies with black lace which look classier than they sound..! LoveCulture takes a while because there's so much shit to look at. I ended up with two thermals for 6.90 each, a giraffe print top for 11.90 and two coats at 23.90 each. The cashier made a mistake and I got two coats for the price of one. =DIt looks hot pink but it's really more of a fushcia and I'm not usually an any kind of pink person but it works! The other is black. I probably have 50+ pairs of heels and I can't turn down good Ross finds so here are two new additions:

I'm especially a sucker for stilettos with a platform because they give more support and I like that taller-than-you feeling. ;] My favs include:

I think those are 4 inches.. (the magazine picture is of Gwen Stefani in Balenciaga.) ya I'm heading to so cal for the weekend and I'm planning to make it a high heel trip. I don't know why. just feel like it. I also feel like doing a list of shit we normally don't do because we would rather lazy it up. I don't know what's with the sudden motivation but maybe it's the monotony of school. I need to shake it up.


From LA to the bay! haha lameO rhymeO. Sprinkles is a cupcake shop that just opened in Palo Alto with fucking fantasmic flavors I fucking love it! Amy's so sweet and has a sweet tooth to boot so she swooped me up from my fourth session with Orly and brought me a vanilla cupcake. yumMmm! The strawberry tastes like fresh strawberries and this dark chocolate one was filled with marshmallow. mMMmmMmmmmmm

On our weekend road trip a few weeks ago, I went to Picca's prom-themed birthday party with 9 of my friends.. (that's how I roll) hahaha :P Anyway I thought it would be nice to get her a gift... She doesn't really have a set style as far as clothing and I don't want it to be hit or miss with what I choose. or for it to end up on her ebay store. (ha ha) Sprinkles is out because they have it there. Then I thought Beard Papa's oversized cream puffs would be perfect but turns out they have one like 15 minutes away which is even closer than their Sprinkles. :T

It should be no biggie because it doesn't mean it's not a good gift, but I like to get people things they can fall all over themselves for. that they would have never thought of wanting but then can't live without now. soo back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I've been meaning to blog this and that and the other thing but been busy with tests and the grand opening of job4. Now I have a cumulus of pictures and I am going to take this opportunity to do what I'd like to call: binge blogging. I'll just post stuff from what I remember wanting to post from whenever I wanted to post it!

How to: have a 10 dollar Thanksgiving in 10 minutes on a Tuesday
for the food lovers! (on a budget of time and money).
Stovetop stuffing: 1.50 Safeway
Mashed potatoes (real potatoes not that powder potato): 2.50 Safeway
Rotisserie chicken: 5.00 Costco

It was my first time making stovetop and turns out it's the easiest thing to make ever! All you do is boil 1.5 cups of water with some butter and empty the bag. The stuffing literally soaks up the liquid right before your eyes and it said to cover it with a lid but it wasn't necessary. Took 5 minutes.

While you're waiting for the water to boil, you can microwave the potatoes for 3 minutes! The rotisserie chicken is already hot and juicy and yumzy so there you have it. Tip: If you like gravy, they sell that in a jar too! I used to get mine at Stater bros.

Bon apetite!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Picture 10 girls in an unmarked white van with tinted windows. We made our rounds body snatching everyone out of their homes and headed for our Hollywood roadtrip at 4am. I stayed up most of the night since I was designated company keeper and I had a fat headache too. of all days! (I hardly get headaches.) When Bao took the wheel I slept. oopsie

Our ride

First stop: LA Chinatown for a dim sum breakfast"Red light district"
Where's Amy? :]

Manhattan Beach and some kind of volleyball convention8 of 10

sudo girlfriendwipe out

At Vanguard the Asianest club of Asian clubs :P

The other girls there were in frilly skirts and cheap heels. I think I've erased the worst of it from my memory. Hideous. Therefore, I dub us best dressed ever!

Free remy

Bao is too cute!

from the 2nd floor of our hotel room

h&m girls

ribeye she was waiting for

Michelle and Bao looking hollywood

chef's table

funny store on rodeo


Amy and Misako (Thomas Wilde fashion designer)!Hanging out with the female gender is not always the easiest task but in the end we make it work. We also went to Fashion District where I discovered my ability to bargain. :] I didn't buy much, just pocket change swag and three pairs of argyle socks for a dollar. At night some of us got lost and drove through Compton and saw a pregnant hooker. Different.

There were more pictures too but kodakgallery is not my friend.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

robot chicken

Sunday, August 24, 2008

bad ass

I kept the Fornarina employees until closing considering these:

They're half a size bigger than my feet and I have to puncture a hole through the straps for my ankles... but I like m! I will rock them with a black beater and go shopping, yesir. :]

I also bought two shirts from eBay (re-addicted?) but it says that the seller re-listed them?? bla Also bought stuff for my business but that's not in the items we need to pay for either... double bla. I need my own eBay probably since I'm so OCD and need to pay for things straight away. Although, the last time I paid for an eBay lot with my card, the seller closed their account and pocketed my $38something. Mother fuckerssss

I didn't want to post the shirts because I was scared to jinx it but I think it's been jinxed so here they are:

I messaged the eBayers, all three of them... Hopefully they'll be reasonable! If I don't get any of the stuff I won I will be so bummed. especially since I sit here like a mad woman refreshing the screen every 10 seconds up until the end with my heart pounding so fast like I'm obsessed. :/ oh boy bumbumbummed